SEO Audit

An SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis of your website that we run at the beginning of a project to identify issues that prevent your pages from ranking higher in search engines like Google and Baidu. Our audits assess three key signals considered for ranking: technical aspects, content, and popularity.

The objective is to analyze dozens of criteria and to propose solutions to optimize your pages, enhance your performances, improve the user experience, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your site.

SEO audits help define your strategy

Why AUDIT Your Website?

An SEO audit is crucial to understand what prevents your pages to get more visibility in Google. This is generally the first thing we do at Get Clicks as an audit helps to define a long-term strategy to improve your rankings in Google. The goal is to ensure that your pages are accessible to your visitors and to search engines, and that search engines can easily understand the targeted keywords.

If your pages cannot be crawled, they can’t be indexed in search results, which will prevent users from finding them when they search for keywords related to your products or services. If your pages do not include the right keywords and that search engines do not have enough information to rank them for your desired keywords, they won’t perform well in search results.

As a consequence, you will not increase your audience and turnover. That’s where we come: Get Clicks will propose a tailored strategy to rank high.

Our SEO Audit Checklist

Our SEO audits cover the various criteria families that Google uses to rank your pages. During our analysis, we also look after your competitors to identify SEO and UX best practices that could be replicated on your website. Please note that the list below provides insights only. There might be other tests conducted during the audit, depending on the findings.


  • Branded VS non-branded clicks
  • Clicks and impressions evolution
  • Best keywords and landing pages
  • Rankings opportunities
  • Traffic drop and recovery
  • Traffic evolution
  • Conversions distribution
  • Search engines distribution
  • Device distribution
  • Countries distribution


  • Accessibility & Architecture
  • Canonical tags
  • Crawl & indexing status
  • DUST (Different URL, Same Text)
  • Hreflang tags
  • HTTP Codes
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Rich-snippet
  • Website’s speed
  • XML Sitemap & Robots.txt


  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Headings and sub-headings
  • Content optimisations
  • Internal links opportunities
  • Images and video optimisations
  • Keyword targeting
  • Content creation opportunities
  • Content accuracy
  • Local SEO


  • Domain’s authority
  • Number of referring domains
  • Number of backlinks
  • Top backlinks
  • Link profile
  • Topic authority
  • Anchor text distribution
  • Most linked pages
  • Techniques used to get links
  • Link building opportunities

Our Deliverables

Our audits include PDF reports with deep analysis about the current visibility of your website, and detailed recommendations in Asana (project management software) to help managing the project, setting priorities and tracking the results.

PDF audit report and analysis (1)
PDF audit report and analysis (2)
PDF audit report and analysis (3)
PDF audit report and analysis (4)
seo recommendations in asana (1)
seo recommendations in asana (2)
seo recommendations asana (3)

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What are the outcomes?

Our advanced SEO audits help to define a long-term strategy. We fix issues and improve improve your pages to rank them higher in Google.

  • We make sure that your pages can be crawled and indexed.
  • We ensure that there is no blocking points that prevent Google to rank them.
  • We provide solutions to improve the key pages, and we prioritize them.
  • We help you to implement and to test (quality control) the changes.
  • We find new opportunities to generate organic traffic.
  • We analyse your competitors to understand your market.
  • We monitor results and to maximise your ROI. 

Other SEO Analysis

If you need log analysis, link audits or if you launch a new websites, we have solutions to improve your SEO.


A log analysis helps to track how search engines crawl your website. We get the logs from your server and compare them a crawl and we provide advanced SEO tips.

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New Website

If you launch a new website, you need to make sure that the developments are SEO-friendly. Get Clicks works with your IT team to provide recommendations to launch websites that rank.

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We propose tailored link building audits to analyse your link profile and compare it to your competitors, to find link building opportunities and increase your site's authority.

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How much does an SEO audit typically cost?

The cost varies based on website size, complexity, and identified issues. On average, it ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 HKD for small to medium size websites. It includes a PDF report with recommendations, and up to 4 hours of presentation time. The cost can be higher for large eCommerce platforms.

Are you responsible for implementing the changes?

We implement the optimizations that can be managed through your CMS (Content Management System), and we will run UAT (User Acceptance Tests) for the changes your technical or content team will be in charge of, to ensure that they were successfully implemented.

How long do you need to deliver an audit?

Typically, it takes about a month after signing the contract, but the duration to complete an advanced SEO audit depends on the size and complexity of your website. Another factor to consider is the type of services you subscribe to, whether it's a one-off audit or an audit as part of a term contract.

Can you audit a multilingual websites?

Yes we do. Get Clicks has international clients in Asia, Europe and North America. We mainly do SEO in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and French and we are fully capable of auditing complex multilingual websites.

What do SEO audits include?

Our SEO audits include a large range of analyses, including traffic analysis, technical analysis, content analysis, link building analysis, competitor analysis, local SEO, and mobile SEO. We examine all aspects of your website to identify opportunities.

Do you offer one-off SEO audits or project-based services?

We provide both one-off SEO audits and projects that include ongoing audits that generally last 6-12 months. While a one-off audit can offer valuable insights, we recommend a project-based approach as it allows us to monitor progress, make adjustments, and achieve the long-term results.


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