Link Building

Link building, backlinks, and external links are all terms referring to one of the core SEO signals: the links between websites. Getting links from other websites to your pages will increase your PageRank. PageRank, an algorithm developed by Google, uses these links to estimate the strength and relevance of your web pages, which SEOs refer to as domain authority.

The higher the domain authority, the easier it is for your pages to rank for competitive keywords.

As search engines penalize websites that use unnatural techniques to get backlinks, link building is a touchy, yet powerful, SEO strategy.

Get Clicks is committed to delivering comprehensive link building strategies that align with your marketing objectives. Our goal? To increase your brand awareness and develop the number of links you get, naturally.

Our Services

Goals of our link building strategies

Search engines like Google view links from other websites to your pages as votes, similar to references, which influence your rankings in search results.

If you sell “shoes” online and receive a link from a legitimate website with high authority with a clickable text (anchor text) containing the keywords you target, search engines will understand that your page is related to the word “shoes.” This will improve your relevancy and your rankings for such terms.

Get Clicks proposes various types of link building services in English, Chinese, and French for brands targeting various markets, whether in Asia-Pacific, America, Europe, or even Mainland China.


Analyzing how you and your competitors communicate online helps us identify key techniques that can be replicated and used as part of your link building strategy to achieve better performance in search results.


Sponsored articles, also known as ``guest posts,`` involve publishing content on high-authority websites in exchange for backlinks. This strategy leverages local and international partnerships to increase your rankings effectively.


Digital PR is an SEO and marketing practice designed to raise brand awareness and earn backlinks by producing high-quality content and conducting media outreach to increase exposure.

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What link building techniques do you use?

We use a variety of techniques to ensure high-quality backlinks for your site:

  • Broken Links: Finding and replacing broken external links.
  • Digital PR: Online publicity to boost brand awareness.
  • HARO: Providing expert quotes to journalists for backlinks.
  • Listicles: Get listed in articles to attract backlinks.
  • PR Distribution: Distributing PRs to media outlets.
  • Product Reviews: Securing reviews on relevant websites.
  • Sponsored Content: Paid articles on authoritative websites.
  • Uncredited Images: Gaining credit for your original images.
  • Uncredited Mentions: Turning brand mentions into backlinks.


This is the name of an algorithm Google uses to estimate a webpage’s strength based on the links (internal and external) it receives. It calculates the probability that a human will visit a webpage if they are randomly browsing the web. Google still uses this algorithm, along with various others added over time, to calculate the relevancy of a page. This is one reason quality links improve rankings.

We aim to obtain links from relevant websites within your industry or niche.

For example, if you sell shoes but receive many backlinks from finance websites, these links might not be relevant to your niche. To improve your authority within a particular niche, it is better to work with websites related to your industry. These links are more valuable and help enhance your domain authority and search engine rankings.

Additionally, avoid working with “article directories.” These websites are often created by SEOs for selling links, and Google can easily nullify them, making them useless for you.

Using unnatural techniques or acquiring links from low-quality, spammy websites can lead to Google nullifying these links without the website owner realizing it. While penalties and manual actions are less common, and core updates are complex due to numerous factors, it’s crucial to follow best practices and focus on quality over quantity to ensure long-term success.

We measure the success of a link building campaign by tracking various metrics, including the number of backlinks acquired, improvements in domain authority, organic traffic growth, and rankings for targeted keywords, through various tools like SEObserver, Semrush or Ahrefs.

Yes. Get Clicks is located in Hong Kong but manages link building campaigns for various regions, including Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Canada, USA, and France, in multiple languages, including Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, and French.

Nofollow links are links that have a rel=”nofollow” attribute, which tells search engines not to pass PageRank. While they may not directly influence search rankings, they can still drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and make a link profile natural.


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Content Marketing

Content marketing is a way to engage better with your visitors and to enhance the SEO strategy by creating landing pages to match user's intent.

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